Synology ds1813 QNAP ts-879 pro iSCSI performance


Apr 29, 2010
OK if I connected one or other of these to my server via 2xGB ports using iSCSI

Assuming both will be link aggregated to 2GB/s, which will have the better up/down throughput?

Would RAID 5 with either of them mess up the score too much or do I need to go RAID 10 for 2GB/s networking ports?

Link aggregation will only work if all your equipment in the path supports it. Ie, your pc (your hdd & nic), the router/switches ... The whole processes only moves as fast as the slowest link in the chain. If you cant write at 200MB/s it wont feed it that fast.

Personally at that cost and number of drives I would suggest building a home server with a dedicated raid card.


Yep. We're already using link aggregation from our server to the network and on our current NAS so no worries there. I'm concerned about any bottlenecks that passing all the filestore traffic through the server will cause.

Already thinking ahead of you there. Link to different threads linked to my project here...


I'm just trying to get a feel of what's about and what options I've got if the bosses won't fork out for the £5000 fileserver I have planned for them and also fishing for ammo to persuade them a fileserver is the only option.