This is my first time building a rig, so I was just wondering whether somebody could review my build. Here's the link: https://de.pcpartpicker.com/list/vHchP3
I am aware of the fact that the graphics card is at a lower standard than the rest of the build, however I decided to have it be the part i would save on, as I am intending producitve/coding usage, rather than gaming. Also, I wanted to future-proof it.
If you spot any incompatiblities, or have any recoomendations/suggestions, I would highly appreciate them.
Thanks in advance
This is my first time building a rig, so I was just wondering whether somebody could review my build. Here's the link: https://de.pcpartpicker.com/list/vHchP3
I am aware of the fact that the graphics card is at a lower standard than the rest of the build, however I decided to have it be the part i would save on, as I am intending producitve/coding usage, rather than gaming. Also, I wanted to future-proof it.
If you spot any incompatiblities, or have any recoomendations/suggestions, I would highly appreciate them.
Thanks in advance