Hi guys!
There are two build, and i need help which to plan to buy.
Please answer from experience or knowledge, not just "BECAUSE it is better/or not", thank you!
I am looking for a good non-bottleneck build for an RTX 2080, which is i already have.
The builds are the following:
- Motherboard H370 chipset
- CPU Intel i7-8700 non-K
- Dual-Channel 32GB 2666MHz RAM
- Motherboard Z390 chipset
- CPU Intel i7-9700k - not plan to overclock soon, or ever at all, at base boost clock is more than enough, i think
- Dual-Channel 16GB 2666MHz RAM
These two builds are almost at the same price, which is important part of my dilemma.
I plan to use the PC for gaming mainly, but sometimes i have to do heavy work tasks.
Thank you for any answers, and i open for any suggestion at the same price-range!
There are two build, and i need help which to plan to buy.
Please answer from experience or knowledge, not just "BECAUSE it is better/or not", thank you!
I am looking for a good non-bottleneck build for an RTX 2080, which is i already have.
The builds are the following:
- Motherboard H370 chipset
- CPU Intel i7-8700 non-K
- Dual-Channel 32GB 2666MHz RAM
- Motherboard Z390 chipset
- CPU Intel i7-9700k - not plan to overclock soon, or ever at all, at base boost clock is more than enough, i think
- Dual-Channel 16GB 2666MHz RAM
These two builds are almost at the same price, which is important part of my dilemma.
I plan to use the PC for gaming mainly, but sometimes i have to do heavy work tasks.
Thank you for any answers, and i open for any suggestion at the same price-range!