A little bit of background: Yesterday I had a problem where the computer was overheating even though I was running no processor-intensive applications. I initially thought it was due to poor ventilation, then checked task manager to find that the cpu usage was 100% all the time for the past few hours. No wonder it was hot! (Using a laptop) This was because of svchost that had 60% cpu usage all the time and other applications, bringing it up to 100%.
I check the services that svchost had, and that instance (the one with 60% usage) had 5 processes: windows security center, dhcp, tcp/ip something, eventlog, and something else.
Ran a scan with malwarebytes (threat and flash, and scanned Windows), found nothing. Ran TDSSKiller, found nothing. Scanned the environment with F-Secure, found nothing. (Booted up in Safe mode and the cpu usage dropped, though)
Fast forward to now.
I boot the computer again (1 day has passed) and the problem looks like it's gone away on its own. Great, no more problems. I'm still keeping a tentative eye on the cpu usage, though. I open an mp3 with VLC and I see the process System shoot up to 50% cpu and consistently remain around the 45 to 50 range. Closing VLC stopped the problem; thinking VLC was the problem, I opened the same file with WMP. Same thing occurs, runs up to 50%.
Now the thing is, I've never noticed that before, so I don't know if that's normal. I rolled back my audio driver and it still persists; is it normal, or is it really a problem?
I check the services that svchost had, and that instance (the one with 60% usage) had 5 processes: windows security center, dhcp, tcp/ip something, eventlog, and something else.
Ran a scan with malwarebytes (threat and flash, and scanned Windows), found nothing. Ran TDSSKiller, found nothing. Scanned the environment with F-Secure, found nothing. (Booted up in Safe mode and the cpu usage dropped, though)
Fast forward to now.
I boot the computer again (1 day has passed) and the problem looks like it's gone away on its own. Great, no more problems. I'm still keeping a tentative eye on the cpu usage, though. I open an mp3 with VLC and I see the process System shoot up to 50% cpu and consistently remain around the 45 to 50 range. Closing VLC stopped the problem; thinking VLC was the problem, I opened the same file with WMP. Same thing occurs, runs up to 50%.
Now the thing is, I've never noticed that before, so I don't know if that's normal. I rolled back my audio driver and it still persists; is it normal, or is it really a problem?