System CPU usage shoots up to 50% when playing audio


Oct 30, 2013
A little bit of background: Yesterday I had a problem where the computer was overheating even though I was running no processor-intensive applications. I initially thought it was due to poor ventilation, then checked task manager to find that the cpu usage was 100% all the time for the past few hours. No wonder it was hot! (Using a laptop) This was because of svchost that had 60% cpu usage all the time and other applications, bringing it up to 100%.

I check the services that svchost had, and that instance (the one with 60% usage) had 5 processes: windows security center, dhcp, tcp/ip something, eventlog, and something else.

Ran a scan with malwarebytes (threat and flash, and scanned Windows), found nothing. Ran TDSSKiller, found nothing. Scanned the environment with F-Secure, found nothing. (Booted up in Safe mode and the cpu usage dropped, though)

Fast forward to now.
I boot the computer again (1 day has passed) and the problem looks like it's gone away on its own. Great, no more problems. I'm still keeping a tentative eye on the cpu usage, though. I open an mp3 with VLC and I see the process System shoot up to 50% cpu and consistently remain around the 45 to 50 range. Closing VLC stopped the problem; thinking VLC was the problem, I opened the same file with WMP. Same thing occurs, runs up to 50%.

Now the thing is, I've never noticed that before, so I don't know if that's normal. I rolled back my audio driver and it still persists; is it normal, or is it really a problem?
Well one thing that should be checked is that it may be Background processes that are pushing so heavily on your CPU, I would suggest if you haven't already clicking on the Processes Tab then "VIEW PROCESSES FROM ALL USERS" button. It is best not to disable these items unless you know what they are however if you can take a screen shot and post it we could go over it and help.

You may have an infected computer running multiple kinds of Adware/Malware in the background that could be the issue.

May I ask what antivirus Suite you are using and also when is the last time you ran a full system scan?