System Crash because GPU!?

Andrew 411

Mar 18, 2017
( Sorry for my bad english) Good evening guys. I really need your help.. This is the first time that happens to me a thing, and I do not know how to solve .. delivery beginning.
I wanted to upgrade to the pc, passing from my old Asus GTX 760 to the GTX Gygabite 1070 .. socket adapter from an online site ... I format the PC (which I had already done) and mount new board and install its drivers ... I discover suddenly that the Nvidia control panel does not go, does not start and crashes ... I uninstall the Nvidia driver, I used DDU following a guide and I reinstalled everything as if for the first time. The Nvidia control panel would not start the same .. Well ... This day I put the computer in standby and when I go back .. the pc will not start again .. restart and not part ... the 4th trial started giving me "BlueScreen" power-mistake style. Checking through BlueScreenWiever known this ( Is 2 crash because I made another standby test to check the problem). Known that got to do something but the Nvidia driver of the other errors I did not understand much ... Now I knew tell me what to do? How can I fix this? Thank you so much for those who will help me, I really need ... new card and full of problems!🙁

Yes a low quality power supply will cause issues in computers.

For the BIOS, go to the motherboard vendors support page, the BIOS for your model will be there in downloads.
Of course! I forgotten this...
I take the GTX 1070 G1 Gygabite from Eprice...
My specs: Intel core i-5 4440
Nvidia ge force GTX 1070 G1

Power supply: iTek mPower 620 W - ITMPS620
My motherboard: ASUSteK Computer INC. H81M-E


So what is this "socket adapter" you are talking about? Or are you just translating something and not using the right term?

I don't see anything about that power supply model, if it's a cheap low quality one, that will cause issues.

Also check for a newer BIOS for the motherboard.

Yes a low quality power supply will cause issues in computers.

For the BIOS, go to the motherboard vendors support page, the BIOS for your model will be there in downloads.