system crashes 1x an hour


Aug 1, 2012
So yesterday my computer started to bsod. it started with a 7A error and then a F4 error. since the problems started I swapped sata cables and the mb connectors used, changed cmos battery, cleaned the inside, changed ram locations, ran windows defender and spybot s&d and ran chkdsk and memtest(both passed). also updates were installed and clean install of gpu drivers, and ccleaner ran. no new hardware was installed and the only thing done before the problem was a java update.

Weird enough I no longer get a bsod but my system just locks up at around the 1hr mark.

any suggestions would be greatly appreciated :)
Do you have a ssd in your system? Try to update the firmware.
For instance the crucial m4 had a 5000hour bug which gave these kind of problems;"my system just locks up at around the 1hr mark".

Look at the ram settings in the bios,make sure it runs at the correct timings,voltage and speed.
Test with only one module at the time if you haven't alredy done that.


i didn't look at your system specs before and you do have a crucial m4 so the first part of this post is something you should really do,look at the crucial site for instructions.
Do you have a ssd in your system? Try to update the firmware.
For instance the crucial m4 had a 5000hour bug which gave these kind of problems;"my system just locks up at around the 1hr mark".

Look at the ram settings in the bios,make sure it runs at the correct timings,voltage and speed.
Test with only one module at the time if you haven't alredy done that.


i didn't look at your system specs before and you do have a crucial m4 so the first part of this post is something you should really do,look at the crucial site for instructions.