system freezing randomly

Oct 7, 2016
Currently the computer is randomly freezing while in normal operation like watching YouTube videos. Yesterday it was boot looping and would only start up in safe mode or fail safe mode. We switched hard drives and eventually got Windows reinstalled after resetting the cmos.

Step three: History
When was the last time the computer worked right? 4 nights ago
Was there something that happened right before things got bad? we got a new 5 tb hard drive but it has been disconnected since. Instillation was normal for an entire day.
Did you install some software? no

Step four:
Write down error messages: There have been different errors from whea uncontrollable error, 0xc000000f, and another one I can't remember
Is it just the program that locks? No
Does the operating system lock up? Randomly

Step five: The specs
List each one of the parts in your computer. This must be a full list. If some parts are from an older build, this might be important.
CPU - AMD FX-9590 Vishera 8-core 4.7 GHz
Motherboard (model number) - Sabertooth 990FX
RAM (Model number, speed, timings, voltage): 16GB Gskill Ares Series
CPU cooler (stock or not, model if applicable): Corsair Hydro Series H100i
Video Card (model number): Nvidia 960
Power Supply (model number, or company and wattage at least): Corsair 1000W
Hard drive(s): Western Digital Blue 1TB, Seagate 1TB (not currently connected was the main drive until a day ago, Toshiba 5TB (not currently connected)
Operating System: Windows 10
Case (for cooling issues): Coolermaster Haf X
ANY other parts: Razer mmo mouse

After reinstalling Windows updated all the drivers. Freezing often with no bsod, about every 2 hours or more. Any help would be appreciated thank you!

edit: disabling cool and quiet causes it to freeze while loading Windows.
Thanks for the report M8.

Your temps at Max 52C are really good so your H100i is doing its job and all rail voltages are fine so your PSU is good. When next in Bios, Save a profile if your current settings are stable.

To help stabilize your current OC, Go to DIGI+ Power Control and set your LLC to High and CPU Current capability to 120%. Test again for 30mins and check your temperatures. Your temps will increase somewhat and hopefully stay below 65C. As your VCore is just a little high at 1.476V, try a fixed voltage of 1.3875V which should drop your temps 4-5C. If stability is effected at that voltage when under load, raise VCore by .010V increments until stable. Test each time you make a change.

I see you are using Turbo Core mode...
Hi edgerallenpoedameron :) That WHEA_UNCORRECTABLE_ERROR is very often associated with CPU core voltage being too low, overheating issue due to an incorrect OC or driver related.

The FX-9590 is very temperamental with voltage settings in Bios.
I think you have a stability issue and some stress testing is in order to test your CPU,PSU GPU,DIMMs and other sub systems.

Download AIDA64 and HWMonitor to your desktop and put them side by side.
Clear CMOS back to default as we need to establish a base line at stock 4.7GHz.

In AIDA64, go to Tools menu and choose the stress test. Check the boxes for CPU and FPU and run the test for 10mins whilst monitoring your temps constantly. Stop the test if temps reach 80C and take screen shots at the 10min mark. I want to see full core utilization and Rail voltages, 12V, 5V, 3.3V in HWMonitor to check for voltage droop under load and that the PSU is doing its job. I also want to see your VCORE Voltage.

You can use IMIGUR as a file host. Once uploaded to IMIGUR, go to your images and obtain/copy the BBurl to link here for analysis.

Once done I will recommend any Bios changes needed for stability.
Oh! and one last thing, Is your Bios up to date.?
Thanks for your reply. Here is the screenshot you requested:
It seems to be freezing mostly while watching youtube. Just updated the bios right before running the stress test. If it makes any difference here is the stress test before the bios was updated:

Edit: Computer's still freezing just not as often it's been about 4 hours.
Thanks for the report M8.

Your temps at Max 52C are really good so your H100i is doing its job and all rail voltages are fine so your PSU is good. When next in Bios, Save a profile if your current settings are stable.

To help stabilize your current OC, Go to DIGI+ Power Control and set your LLC to High and CPU Current capability to 120%. Test again for 30mins and check your temperatures. Your temps will increase somewhat and hopefully stay below 65C. As your VCore is just a little high at 1.476V, try a fixed voltage of 1.3875V which should drop your temps 4-5C. If stability is effected at that voltage when under load, raise VCore by .010V increments until stable. Test each time you make a change.

I see you are using Turbo Core mode and that's OK if your happy with that.
There's not much more headroom left at your present OC however you may get 5.2GHz. That would involve further Tweaks to get to your MAX OC and needs time and patience to get there. There is little to gain for the extra 100-200MHz.

I have found that C1E and C6 sleep states can hinder a good OC, so if your not that energy conscious then disable them as that is just a Power Saving Feature. Also disable Cool and Quiet. These can be found in Advanced section of Bios under CPU Config.

Please report back.