system freezing, resuming etc


Jun 28, 2011
Hello everyone
I was playing mass effect andromeda from past two weeks, everything was fine. From the past three days game started freezing for about 10 sec whenver I make kill. Frequency of freezing increased. I checked the temps in corsair link, gpu was at 73-75. I turned off the system, temps came down and started playing again. Its ran fine for 20-30 min then again same problem. In idle condition temps have never gone above 40.
Today, things went serious. Temps were not going below 54 in idle condition. Whwnever I start game, it was running very slow. Then I got bsod error 0x000016.
I have not overclocked anything. Tried increasing the fan speed to 80% by amd catalyst control but temps are still high. Plz help.