Everything was working fine yesterday. When I selected to shutdown the pc I selected the option 'Update and restart' then forgot about it.
Today I can start the PC, login to Win 8.1, select to view the desktop, the icons load but then none of the apps are responsive.
Unable to get the task manager to come up. I can type 'msconfig.exe' in the 'Apps' windows but clicking on it does nothing. Opening the 'My computer' icon works but it scans my drives endlessly and I'm unable to close the window. Opening another 'My computer' window works scans endlessly and sees no drives although I have 3 connected and could see all partitions on the 1st window.
Saw somewhere to try 'dism.exe'. i can over my mouse over the program in the 'Apps' menu but clicking on it doesn't make it come up.
Not sure how to active boot in safe mode without msconfig.exe.
No idea what to do about this
Everything was working fine yesterday. When I selected to shutdown the pc I selected the option 'Update and restart' then forgot about it.
Today I can start the PC, login to Win 8.1, select to view the desktop, the icons load but then none of the apps are responsive.
Unable to get the task manager to come up. I can type 'msconfig.exe' in the 'Apps' windows but clicking on it does nothing. Opening the 'My computer' icon works but it scans my drives endlessly and I'm unable to close the window. Opening another 'My computer' window works scans endlessly and sees no drives although I have 3 connected and could see all partitions on the 1st window.
Saw somewhere to try 'dism.exe'. i can over my mouse over the program in the 'Apps' menu but clicking on it doesn't make it come up.
Not sure how to active boot in safe mode without msconfig.exe.
No idea what to do about this