Question System Hard crashing After 30 minutes of gaming

Apr 3, 2019
I know there are a few threads on this and I have read through most of them and I am unsure if they are related to my problem or not. Recently My computer has been hard crashing after about 30 minutes of playing a game. By hard crashing I mean sound stops working, the game freezes, everything just comes to a halt. the screen doesn't turn a different color it just freezes on whatever part of the game I was playing and Just locks up. the keyboard is unresponsive by clicking the caps lock key so the only way out is to hard reset it by holding the power button. i ran the windows memory test which took about an hour or so but it reported no problems so I am unsure what exactly is happening. My drivers are up to date and windows 10 is up to date. Specs:
Processor AMD FX(tm)-6300 Six Core Processor 3.50GHz
Ram 16GB
System type 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB
I am not great at computers so my knowledge is limited so I apologize if I don't understand acronyms too well.