System Instability No Overclock | Prime95 Crashing


Nov 15, 2015
So a few days ago, I made a thread talking about some system instability I was having. ( ) I had originally thought it was the video card, but I'm starting to think otherwise.

Give the thread I linked a quick read, then come back here.

I did some research on the 2 BSOD's I was mainly getting, Bad_Pool_Header and Memory_Management. I also got Kernel_Security_Check_Failure, but I'm not as worried about that one. MM and BPH according to the internet, can both deal with drivers, ram, or your mobo.

If you read the thread I linked, I had said that my PC was crashing during any graphically intensive games after about 10 minutes, but GPU stress tests were running fine. Yesterday, I put the thought to be defective card back in, wiped my drivers again, and updated to 364.72 for the first time. I didn't want to, being that people are reporting instability with it, but it's had no negative impact on my PC, so I guess I'm lucky in that aspect. I also updated 2 drivers related to my mobo, and any other drivers for any thing in or connected to my PC, as drivers are the most likely suspect of BPH.

I then run AC Unity for about an hour before it BSOD's. An improvement over the 10 minutes I was capping at in my first thread, but still there's something wrong. After this is started to hit me, if the stress test that stressed the GPU and GPU only worked fine, but a graphically intensive game that mostly uses the GPU, but of course uses everything else, is crashing, maybe it's not the GPU?

I fired up Prime95, set it to use 10GB of my 16GB of ram, and the program completely shut in 5 minutes. I then ran it again, but this time I used more ram. I used 12GB, and it didn't crash. I then went to bed and let it run overnight, and I woke up this morning to "Prime95.exe has Stopped Working." Note the CPU and ram are not overclocked, they're running at the speeds they came at and nothing in the BIOS has ever been touched.

So now I'm starting to think my 980 isn't fried, and there's a bit of a bigger problem at hand. Any GPU stress test runs fines, but new games crash. CPU/ram stress tests crash. My first guess would be one of the ram sticks is shot, but I'm not really sure. If the CPU or Mobo is shot however, I'll probably go the Intel route and just pick up a 6600k with a new mobo and some ram, just for the sake of it being better and newer. I've been looking for an excuse to upgrade now, and no I'm not happy my PC is crapping itself, but maybe it's fate, lol.

If anyone has some ideas on what I can do to test anything further and potentially isolate the problem let me know, I could really use some help.
you would just copy the .dmp files from c:\windows\minidump directory to a cloud server like microsoft onedrive, share the files for public access and post a link to the files.
Do a what? Can you link me a video or explain how to do that? I'll gladly do it if it will help, but it might not be until tomorrow. I have MemTest86 running right now, with no sign of it being done any time soon.
Would running a program like CCleaner get rid of them? I ran it last night to see if deleting stuff would fix anything, and i haven't experienced a blue screen since earlier that night. If you really want me to, I could load up a game and wait for a blue screen and I could send you that file.
Yep, cccleaner deletes the files