System Performance issues


Jan 23, 2009
I have from what i know a fairly decent PC, but from what ive been doing[Primarily Gaming WoW,Cod4/5, Left 4 Dead] I have noticed bad performance in games especially World of warcraft just walking around a city.. 12-16 FPS i have no idea why but any information as to why it might happen is wonderful.


CPU: AMD Phenom x4 9500 2.2GhZ
Mother Board: MSI K9A2-PLATINUM AMD 790FX Chipset
GPU: ATi Radeon HD 3870 512mb GDDR4--[I have two of these in Crossfire.]
Hard Disks: Maxtor 100gb 7200rpm SATA [Primary 2-3 yrs old] - Seagate Barracuda 250gb 7200rpm [Secondary brand new]
Memory: 4gb OCz Platinum Revision 800Mhz
Operating System: Windows XP Professional Service pack 2 - 64-bit Version
Power Supply: Kingwin 800watt Mach1 Modular PSU
Monitor: Samsung Syncmaster 216bw 21.6"
Your games don't use multiple cores, so your quad core CPU isn't doing them any good. It's not going to be a strong CPU in apps that don't use it properly.

Still, you should get better frames than that. You could try assigning WoW to another core in the task manager.
how do i do that? cause i notice core 3 does nothing most of the time.

A tid bit i just ran 3d mark 03[dunno if theres newer versions] got 14330- is that a good value or bad?

On cod4/5 i get 60-100 FPS this is why i asked the question cause wow dosent seem too complex
Find the process in the processes tab. Right click and set affinity. probably all four cores will be checked, so just un-check the first core. That should force it to run on a less busy core.

Also, you may want to completely remove your current video drivers and install the latest drivers from ATI. There are WoW specific fixes in 9.4