System randomly freezes


Jun 27, 2014
Hey guys,

Lately i have problems with my system. It just randomly locks up, no blue screen or anything. I've been searching for answers, but couldn't find anything useful.

It mostly happens when i'm browsing with chrome, and utorrent running at the same time. I think the problem maybe hard drive related, (not a physical or technical error, most likely a driver or bios). My old laptop ASUS K53S had the same problem, but very rarely. Now i have Fujitsu and now happens like 2-3 times a week.

My system is on an SSD, and i have another drive, a 750gb seagate. I'm not writing specs because, it happened with 2 different systems, even with new and old drivers, fresh and used system.

I'm thinking, that the seagate hdd is slow, and when i'm downloading to it, it just 'overloads'.

Please if someone has/had the same problems, help me!
1. Do a visual check on the inside of your PC to see any loose components, and make sure all devices are seated properly.
2. Download/burn Kaspersky Rescue Disk and run a scan for any rootkit, make sure you hit the update button in Kaspersky before you run the scan.
2. Download/burn Memtest and run a test on those RAM.
3. Download/burn SeaTools for DOS and run a test on the hard drive.
4. Check/update your BIOS/drivers with the latest update.
5. Gather your Event log and dump file for more info related to the unexpectedly shutdown (when you can boot into Windows).
6. Also, spec of the system would be helpful.
"Save Power"
This causes you to have problems on some computers. You expect high performance and you are not getting it. OR You system freezes…
If you are on laptop battery power, these high performance settings cause the battery to run down faster. These settings are really for high performance desktop PC.

A. When these power saver features are enabled, it causes a bunch of problems.
B. Windows shuts down your system to sleep, hibernate, standby, etc..etc...
C. After shutting down system to "save power" the system malfunctions when you try to wake it up again...and locks up, freezes, etc...
It locks the mouse, it locks the keyboard, it shuts off the display, and locks out the hard drive, it shuts off USB devices, etc...etc...
D. This will cause you to pull your hair out, and go to the funny farm...(those nice young men in their pretty white coats)
E. Make it stop, please make it stop.
F. Shut off all these "features" and USE your computer for a change):

Click Start, Click Control Panel,
Look at the top of the window, in the path bar you see “control panel >”
Click on “>” (in the path bar) now click on “all control panel options.”
(This will open up all the hidden controls available)
Click Power Options
click on the arrow to “show other plans”
Check the Box that says "high performance"
Click (in high performance) "change plan settings"
Turn off display: set to NEVER
Put the computer to sleep: set to NEVER
Click: Change advanced plan settings
Scroll down the list: Click on the + signs to expand the choices for each item on the list.
Require a password on wake up: set to NO
Hard disk: turn off the hard disk: set to NEVER
Wireless adapter settings:
Sleep: set to NEVER
Allow Hybrid sleep: set to NEVER
Hibernate after: set to NEVER
Allow wake timers: set to disable
USB settings:
USB selective suspend setting: set to NEVER
Power Buttons and lid:
Power button action: Setting: set to shut down
Sleep Button Action: set to: do nothing
PCI Express:
Link State Power Management, Setting: OFF
Processor Power Management: Minimum state (set to) 7%

System Cooling Policy: setting: Active
Maximum State (set to) 100%
Turn off display after: setting: NEVER (turning off display automatically can cause freezing also)
Turn off the monitor power manually, when you want it off. Don’t use the auto monitor turn off.
Multimedia Settings:
When Sharing Media: Setting: Prevent idling to sleep
When Playing Video: Setting: Optimize Video
Click OK

Open the bios set up and make sure "cool and quiet" is OFF. (AMD)
If there is a power saver or a "quiet mode" in the bios, shut it off...
There may be a performance setting in the bios setup you have...make sure it's cranked up to max.
in the bios, see that the allocation for video, if available, is maxed.

Now open the hardware manager profiles...
click start
click computer
click system properties
click device manager
double click on mice and other pointing devices
right click on HID compliant mouse
left click on properties
click on the power management tab
UN-check the box that says: "allow the computer to turn off this device to save power." (there is now NO check mark in this box)
click OK

Now repeat this procedure for all mice, monitors, keyboards, and ALL USB ports on the device manager list.

You must open ALL the devices one at a time, as above, and turn off the power saver, for each device.

NOW turn all the security back ON. NOW open your security antivirus. Make sure the antivirus is set to "gaming mode." Or "multimedia mode."
This prevents the security updating from interrupting your game / multimedia priority.
IF the security does not have "gaming mode" or "multimedia mode" get different security.
IF you are using "free" security downloaded from the internet, get rid of it NOW.
Use ONLY professional all in one security. DO NOT load multiple mismatched security programs, which conflict with each other.
DO NOT load free tools into your system such as: "driver sweeper" or any of that "free" goofy stuff.

1. Do a visual check.... It's a laptop.
2. Download/burn Kaspersky Rescue Disk... Skipped this one, but no virus or anything.
2. Download/burn Memtest .... Done, no errors.
3. Download/burn SeaTools ... Done no errors.
4. Check/update your BIOS/drivers with the latest update... Drivers are up to date.
5. Gather your Event log and dump file... no relevant info, i checked this before writing here.

I did everything on that list. Now wait and see, i guess. I'm using my laptop 5% of the time from battery, mostly from network.
Security suite: Kaspersky

System specs.:
Fujitsu Lifebook NH532
Intel Core i5-3230M, 3000 MHz
RAM: 8076 MB (DDR3-1600)
Intel(R) HD Graphics 4000 (2112 MB)
NVIDIA GeForce GT 640M LE (2 GB)
SSD: KINGSTON SV300S37A120G SCSI Disk Device (120 GB, SATA-III)
HDD: TOSHIBA MQ01ABD075 SCSI Disk Device (750 GB, 5400 RPM, SATA-II)

Thanks guys! :)