System shutting down randomly


Apr 17, 2006
I am not sure what is going on but my monitor becomes unresponsive when I play a games. I checked
inside my system and its still on but my gpu fan is turned off so I assume that my gpu shuts down. I just replaced my cpu from a 6000 to the amd phenom x2 550 and my ram from corsair pc6400 to corsair pc8500. I dont know what the problem is.


mobo:asus m3a78-cm

psu:thermaltake pp 600w

hd: sg 250gb

gpu:evga gtx 260

cpu😛henom x2 550

ram:corsair twinX pc8500
Yes I have both connectors pluged in.

I was just playing crysis and champions online and nothing happened but when I play The witcher it happens. Could it be the game ?