System Update Readiness Tool (CheckSUR) "CSI Payload File Missing"


Jul 30, 2015
First u can check this thread to know, why I've used SURT:

So... I started SURT again and checked it's log.
Thousands errors found. All errors are marked as (f).
First three columns in each of 16179 lines look like this:

(f) CSI Payload File Missing 0x00000000

I'm uploading CheckSUR.log file:!107&authkey=!ACA9zxzmEvPiO7E&ithint=file%2clog

I'm working on this Windows Update failure too long and still haven't found a solution. I'm tired of exploring internet... Wasted tens of hours...

Thanks for help.
Well, this is a wild stab in dark but in some rare cases, install shield stuff breaks almost permanently.
for which deleting/renaming (later choice is better if it didn't fix the issue) "C:\Program Files (x86)\InstallShield Installation Information" folder would help.

I had problems with soundcard drivers of all things and doing that fixed it. Windows stuff might be different though.
Well, this is a wild stab in dark but in some rare cases, install shield stuff breaks almost permanently.
for which deleting/renaming (later choice is better if it didn't fix the issue) "C:\Program Files (x86)\InstallShield Installation Information" folder would help.

I had problems with soundcard drivers of all things and doing that fixed it. Windows stuff might be different though.

Doesn't work. However, thanks for the reply! :)