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In article <Xns9602A0EBA9229mortimertherat@>, says...
> > It is a bit hard to follow, but I don't think the gist of the
> > article is that the T72 is better than the M1. I think it is more
> > of an argument that the T72 was not as bad as was reported by what
> > the author perceives to be a Western media conspiracy.
> Which could well be the case.
On that Bizzarro would from the Superman comics where everything is
backwards, surely.
> How would it have looked if anyone in Washington during the Reagan
> administration has said: "Really, boss, those Soviets have a really
> bitching tank in the T-72, a LOT better than anything we have. If we
> let the public know, they will certainly agree we should buy this for
> our own armed forces."
Of course, this is *exactly* what they said. Or is it your contention
that folks at the Pentagon are wont to argue, "The <enemy weapon here>
is just junk, and we don't need to spend any money on new weapons to
counter it."
Yeah. Uh-huh.
In reality, the impetus is for military men of every stripe (and from
every country) to be extremely respectful of the capabilities of enemy
weapons. And in Washington, you can't chisel a nickel out of Congress
unless you spend every waking moment asserting that enemy weapons
systems are all Ten Feet Tall.
"I was reading an op-ed piece by Fareed Zakaria in the Washington Post,
and he began by quoting Jon Stewart, the comedian, who said, 'We did it!
We had the election. And now we can say to Iraq, "Goodbye!"'
The words 'We did it!' brought me up short. I thought, 'What do you
mean, *we*?'
It will be just like the Cold War, I think. George W. Bush and his
allies will make progress in the Middle East, and then, with selective
amnesia, those who fought Bush & Co. tooth and nail will say, 'We,
we, we.' We liberalized Afghanistan, we liberalized Iraq, blah, blah,
If it had been up to Jon Stewart and his ilk, that election in Iraq
would never have taken place."
- Jay Nordlinger