The drive reads fine, I can copy files on it and paste them on the internal drive at normal speeds. Samsung magician scan found nothing wrong but trying to copy a 2Gb folder (or anything) writes at 2mbps.
Tried different cables, ports, a restart. Copying onto my T5 2Tb writes that same 2Gb folder instantly even on the same cables. .
Any suggestions?
Win11 up to date.
32Gb (16x2) Gskill ripjaws 3600 Cl16
MSI Mag Z790 Tomahawk
Nvidia 4080
All drives have at least 11% over provisioning set. All drives are less than 60% full except my 2Tb of game drives those are about 90% full.
C:drive - 1Tb 970 evo
1Tb 970 evo
2 Tb 970 Evo
3x 1Tb 860 Evo
4 Tb WD Blue
2Tb Samsung T5
4Tb Samsung T7 Shield - the problem drive is about 60% full. ]
-Files being copied via the right click copy/paste.
-No wireless connectivity.
Tried different cables, ports, a restart. Copying onto my T5 2Tb writes that same 2Gb folder instantly even on the same cables. .
Any suggestions?
Win11 up to date.
32Gb (16x2) Gskill ripjaws 3600 Cl16
MSI Mag Z790 Tomahawk
Nvidia 4080
All drives have at least 11% over provisioning set. All drives are less than 60% full except my 2Tb of game drives those are about 90% full.
C:drive - 1Tb 970 evo
1Tb 970 evo
2 Tb 970 Evo
3x 1Tb 860 Evo
4 Tb WD Blue
2Tb Samsung T5
4Tb Samsung T7 Shield - the problem drive is about 60% full. ]
-Files being copied via the right click copy/paste.
-No wireless connectivity.
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