Tablet's screen troubles


Sep 21, 2013
I just bought a tablet, it's a Lenovo TAB 2 A8-50, for security I made it glue a glass protector on the screen, it was fine a while, but it did not make good contact on the top of the touch screen, I thought it was that the protector was not well glued, so press it hard with the whole palm and now the top right corner is dark (being vertical), the screen is flashing, like a fluorescent that want to turn on, but it can't, the screen has a ghost image, there are some thin, dark vertical lines that leave from the place that remain dark and cross the whole screen, the part that is dark, is still sensitive to the touch. Thank you very much for some advice. Best regards.
you can still try to use the unit if it has hdmi out and you have the proper cable.
I still am able to use an old tablet in this manner, the touchscreen is still active on the device but the external display should display fine.
throw in bluetooth peripherals and you have a nifty lightweight HTPC

as a portable tablet it would need a new screen.
here is the Embed code of my video:

<a href=><img src= width=127 height=145 border=0/></a><br /><div style=font-size:9px;font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;width:127px;font-color:#44a854;> <a href= >file backup online</a></div>

and the link is:

I hope you can help me. Thanks
you can still try to use the unit if it has hdmi out and you have the proper cable.
I still am able to use an old tablet in this manner, the touchscreen is still active on the device but the external display should display fine.
throw in bluetooth peripherals and you have a nifty lightweight HTPC

as a portable tablet it would need a new screen.

Hello, Thanks a lot for your help and a question: please, Could you tell me some website that sells computer parts? I still can not get a touch screen for my lenovo TAB 2 A8-50F tablet. Or do you know any providers in Peru or surroundings?

Another question: What is the difference between LCD and touch screen?
Thanks again.
A LCD is a Liquid Crystal Display which is to say it is a flat screen.
A touchscreen has an extra layer on it that is touch sensitive like a trackpad on a laptop.
the extra layer can be added to almost any surface, old monitors, tabletops, etc.. the touch sensitive layer on a display makes a touchscreen.
Peru? sorry no idea. ebay/amazon is my go to for used/no longer in productions parts.
Hi, I still can not get the spare parts for my tablet Lenovo TAB 2 A8-50F with serial number HGA9XB31 (touchscreen and LCD). I found a website that sells spare parts: What can you say about this website? Does anyone know it? is trustworthy? Much appreciate references and information. Any help please.