Tagan piperock 500w cables

I bought a pc for my son with a Tagan piperock 500w.
It came through the post and when i got it i noticed the pci-e 6 pins power cables weren't there. :(
Anyone knows where i can buy those ? ( preferably in Holland, maybe rest of Europe depending on shipping costs )
Been googeling allready but can't find any.
Really appreciate help with this. ( my son even more ) ( very dissapointing birthday present when it doesn't work :fou: )

I believe those are SATA power connectors. I don't recommend using a splitter on the molex that would put too much current draw on the one connector, just asking it to overheat & burn. I think your best bet would be to try to get the vendor to get you the cables that are missing.

Good Luck!
It's this one ; http://maxpoint.de/de/gfx/products/power/Tagan/Tagan_BZ_500/TG_500W_BZnew_EN.pdf

Anyone can tell me if these connectors on the psu, the round ones with 6 pins, are standard modular cable connectors which i could buy in a computer shop or does only tagan use this sort of connector ? ( i can find out tuesday at the shop, but would like to know now, otherwise i'll have to keep searching the web )

Those type connections are usually proprietary to the PSU.
the closest I've seen was an old Hiper R580 modular PSU:
Sorry... :(

I believe those are SATA power connectors. I don't recommend using a splitter on the molex that would put too much current draw on the one connector, just asking it to overheat & burn. I think your best bet would be to try to get the vendor to get you the cables that are missing.

Good Luck!
Yeah, starting to find out myself. Been googeling two days now and there's nothing. Saw some people with the same problem though. He did contact Tagan and got a extra set from them. I think that's the way to go then.
Thanks a lot for trying to help, appreciate it.

Glad I could help!

Good Luck! :D