Taking the power supply out of my desktop case

Kinaole Hernandez

Jan 12, 2014
Hey, I was wondering would it be "safe" to take the power supply out of my desktop case because my psu is making a buzzing sound when it is near the gpu thro my mic in Skype.
It can be done with power cable extensions for everything ,
20/24pin extension, 4/8pin eps extension ,pcie 8 and or 6pin extension, sata power extensions , molex power extensions.
however by the time you purchase all of these extensions you could almost buy a new psu but there is no guarantee that will solve your problem However in answer to your question , yes it can be done
Is it safe ? , as long as you place it somewhere safe where it wont get knocked or fall off of the desk and make brackets to mount it onto a board securely so if it vibrates it will not fall and damage the psu and rip cables from or do damage to the mobo. Ensure the intake fan is facing up and not flat on the table so your psu can draw in air, i wouldn't recommend it but you can do it