Target POS Systems Vulnerable Since 2007?

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@sirskeetsalot2013 - It really does doesn't it. I thought the reposts due to refreshing the page was bad enough but this new layout is a right royal pain in the arse.
I knew it wouldn't be long before the bottom feeders got their paws in on this. I like Target and it is very unfortunate that this happend. My wifes card got comprimised and she had some charges the same day as the anouncement from a convinience store 1,000 miles away called jahalawallaslkjlk something (seriously, you could not pronounce it at all). In the end, we got a new card and we moved on. We still don't use cards there yet and they have lost millions if not billions as a result of this. Now when they are down and trying to recover, some shit ass lawfirm is comming in to basically put them out of business, then all we will be left with is WalFart.
I knew it wouldn't be long before the bottom feeders got their paws in on this. I like Target and it is very unfortunate that this happend. My wifes card got comprimised and she had some charges the same day as the anouncement from a convinience store 1,000 miles away called jahalawallaslkjlk something (seriously, you could not pronounce it at all). In the end, we got a new card and we moved on. We still don't use cards there yet and they have lost millions if not billions as a result of this. Now when they are down and trying to recover, some shit ass lawfirm is comming in to basically put them out of business, then all we will be left with is WalFart.
@chomlee You could choose not to shop at either, that would be the best option.. do you really need to buy cheaply made crap from those money grubbing corporations? You should support the middle class.

I am all against frivolous lawsuits that have turned us into a bunch of worried pansies, hell some schools are banning kids from playing tag because they may get hurt.

But if Target knew about this security vulnerability and they did nothing about it, they are responsible. They should step up and take responsibility and help everyone who has been affected financially.

Then they need to enhance their security. Let's look at another example. VALVes Steam servers got hacked and sensitive data got taken. But unlike Target, the data was all encrypted using AES 256Bit encryption that even with super computers would take years upon years to decrypt so it was pretty much useless. The still warned everyone and forced password changes but the fact is that they encrypted the data.

Target makes well more money than VALVe so why was Targets data not encrypted? If they are going to store sensitive data such as CC numbers, pins etc then why would they leave it so easily accessed?

They just didn't want to spend the money needed to apply such security. Honestly I don't feel like shopping at Target anymore knowing my data may not be safe. I didn't get hit, nor did my wife as we didn't shop during the period but it still stands they allowed this to happen and need to be responsible instead of trying to brush it off.
The Target by my house had all new POS credit card swipers the same week Target was signaling the "all clear" announcement. I never had fraudulent charges but my bank sent new cards proactively anyway.Also, POS is a well known industry acronym. Let's all not loose our cool here over the childish stuff.
The thing is doesn't matter if they got some whitepaper about possible vulneriblites the question was during that time were they complaint with the laws in place. If they were then the law suite should fail and if anything maybe force the passing of better laws for consumer protection.
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