Task manager Commit (GB) went down ?


May 13, 2012
Hi guys I don't get it I have an fx-8350 cpu and my commit used to be 31GB

but now it is 16GB I don't really understand that. I did just reinstall my widows about 2 weeks ago.

MOBO: ASUS Sabertooth 990FX 2.0
Ram: 16 gbs Corsair Vengeance 1600mhz
PSU: Corsair AX 850w
CPU: FX-8350
Cooler; H60 push-pull
SSD: samsung 830 128gbs
GPU: Sapphire 7770 ghz edition
windows 7 ultimate 64-bit
I assume this is commit max. The commit limit is ram+pagefile. With 16gb ram, there really was no need for 15gb pagefile. But windows will automatically manage the size depending on what you need.

Thank you sir It was because I set my Samsung magician software to reliability mode so it shrunk the page file I understand page files I had a 10gb page file when I was using adobe after effects.