Right click on Command bar (just above the Customize Toolbar in screenshot below) and choose Customize
Click the printer icon in left pane
Click add
Click reset
This seems to be a repeat question.... and a RUBBISH one at that (in terms of quality of explanation)... but im going to have a wild stab at what you asking... and hopefully how you might resolve.
Im guessing... your using IE.... and perhaps have been upgraded recently to IE9... and now you are lost as you cant see the printer icon in the browser?
Well - if you "right click" at the top of the browser (just below the address bar should be good) - you shoul dget a popup where you get some menu bar options
Click on the "Command Bar" option - so it shows a tick.
You should then get the command bar visible and that has the printer icon on it.
HTH.. if not, perhaps you could actually be bothered to elaborate a bit on your question... so we actually have a chance to understand what you are talking about!!!