start process explorer, select file-> show detail for all processes
locate taskhost.exe in the list and double click it to bring up the threads.
my version is running 10 thread currently
looks like 3 going to a internal database and the rest being used by the RacEngn.dll
I think it is just looking and trying to send the various reliability data that it has collected to Microsoft.
if this is failing to connect or you have not given it permission it might have a very large database to contend with and take too long.
I would use the process explorer and look at each thread and see if one has unusual stats displayed and suspend the process.
or go to your windows action center icon, open action center, select maintenance, select view reliability history, select view all problem reports (at the bottom of the screen) then select clear "all problem reports" button.
it should only be the cause if there are a bunch of reports that have not been sent to Microsoft. you can turn off the reporting or clear the database in other ways.
I would think that many other programs can be also running, windows 8.1 will do a lot of checking that windows 7 does not do. It will check your entire hard drive for correctable read error and will move data off bad spots of the drive to new areas. Sorry, when I used process monitor on my system I only had light taskhost usage and only the error database and error reporting stuff was running.
if you do find the thead that ties up your system you and look at the disk and network usage to see where it is having the problem.
sorry, I know this is not much help. It is just hard to figure stuff like this out when you don't have direct access to the machine.
here: found a link on how to clear the problem reports: check to see if you have a bunch to report, then clear the list.
there are other programs that might be using the taskhost to move files around by putting them in your hidden inetcahe directory.
(you might clear your chrome browser cache if you have not done so)