Taxes, the fair share

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The irony is absolutely palpable...fair share...what a joke...only children and the naive believe in fairness...WTF is "fair" anyway?

The IRS report also said that thousands of federal employees owe a total of more than $3.4 billion in back taxes. Many of those who are delinquent on their tax obligations include employees of the U.S. Senate who worked on tax-offender laws enacted by Congress.

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Fair share is to wealth redistribution as tax cheat is to federal employee.
The Koch brothers just announced they will be spending 100 Million bucks to keep Obama from getting re-elected. FYI.

Man poor people just need to get better lobbyists......

Those politicians do need to pay up but to say its only dems that dont pay taxes is a little naive.


Care to source that or are you just attempting to be funny?

Not to mention, the Finance industry, especially a big part of what we recognize and are led to think are American companies (Read: AIG) are in fact huge conglomerates that already have unlimited spending available for this and any election going forward.

So while OMG is trying to be witty or something with his last comment, it's actually the truth of the matter that the money is going to flow in to the candidate who is most lenient on Chinese policy. At this point, both sides are to blame and both are taking large sums of money, so I'd really like to know the angle of that statement...

Oh, that's what you are talking about... With Super-PACs it doesn't matter now. It's the same corruption, just entirely legal. You think large donors don't earmark their contributions for individual candidates?

If you are talking about something else, not just the John Liu thing, please be specific. Either way, can you explain what you are trying to get at considering I don't know what you are trying to say and you just keep repeating yourself?


I beg your pardon, but are you trying to refute the information stated in the article, or are you just trying to dismiss it as anti-Obama?

Of course the writer is anti-Obama, but does that make his facts less accurate? I'd like to know the names of the 36 aids. We now have employers who run credit checks, background checks and even scour facebook pages, digging up the most arbitrary dirt they can find to use as a reason not to hire someone to flip burgers at McDonalds. . As the President of the United States and a boss, there is absolutely no excuse for not properly vetting his employees, these people help him make policy that affects the lives of over 300 million people!


Drop the birther thing it will get you no where. Explanation of why OCR will create multiple layer PDF's

Even Fox agrees its legit
Well it looks like whoever scanned it in Hawaii didn't turn off the OCR component of the scanner. I'm not so sure its illegal to have OCR applied to legal documents.

Why would someone go through all of the trouble to forge a Birth Certificate and export all of the layers?

Im assuming Trump would have found all of this out.....After all you wont believe what he found.

I agree about that, not so much the birther thing but, Obama being properly vetted in general, since we're *going there*.

My biggest problem with Obama is his affiliation with William Ayers. I remember watching the debate with Hilary Clinton and she brought it up, Obama gave a wishywashy answer about his children going to school together, (as if they met in some innocuous PTA meeting- whether he was serious or expected people to buy it, well i guess they did). NOBODY in the press called him on it! William Ayers is a non-apologetic, admitted terrorist. Obama's daughters were 6 and 8 at the time as I recall, William Ayers has adult children. I want to know how those 2 REALLY met and why......

Thats what I suspect as well. Honestly, I'm not sure what disturbs me more, the fact that it may be the truth, or the fact that the media didn't thoroughly investigate and report on it.

I thought you worked in water purification...

Also, nekulturny, I didn't know it was the President's job to make sure his staff paid taxes. It's not my empoyers job to make sure I pay mine, so I don't understand what point is trying to be proven or brought to light here. Again, this is garbage and partisan ammunition with no real academic value. Its the same garbage that OMG, JSC, & JDJ all post, it's just stuff to make them feel better about hating on the president for every single thing imaginable. It's why OMG quotes a single newspaper article and then declares all the other research on a topic bunk. If there were any credibility in what was being posted by these guys it would be a totally different story, but they don't want the truth of what is actually happening, they want to feel better about being "F@$% YA AMERICA!"

Thats my point, if we do not hold the people who run our country to a higher standard then we are in big trouble. Bigger responsibility = bigger accountability. No acadmeic value? What are you going on about? Are you saying this "isn't a big deal" or that its "not important because it was written by someone who obviously doesn't like Obama", or are you claiming its untrue altogether? How about, "its something that merits further investigation"? I don't know who these people are, even if they exist, but these are serious allegations, and to dismiss them is folly.

Pick one, I'm still waiting for a straight answer. If you're willing to dismiss any such allegations as "having no value" I pray somebody like you never runs for political office and wins. Unfortunately, so it seems this has already happened.

It absolutely is your employer's job to make sure you are an ethically sound individual. But to go with your logic on the issue. If I were Obama and I saw this accusation made against my employees, I would make it my mission to find out who (if anyone) was violating the law in such a manner and fire them IMMEDIATELY. Failure to do so constitutes willful dereliction. If your employer suddenly became aware that one of your co-workers had been fired from several jobs before for stealing, would you feel sorry for him if the day's cash register till came up missing while that person was closing? I wouldn't.

As a voter and a tax payer, Obama is MY employee (and yours), I demand accountability, how about you?
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