TDR issue not resolving

Zack Bagley

Jul 28, 2015
I've had a TDR (Timeout Detection and recovery) issue for the longest time and it's gotten to the point where I wanna give up.Specifically I get the error that reads ''the display driver has crashed and recovered'' though there isn't really apparent reason as to why the drivers would crash. I've done absolutely everything on every support site I could find.I believe that my power supply is to blame because the fan in it is almost completely shot so who knows what else is wrong with it.When the fan powers up it makes a grinding noise and a hissing noise at the same time which obviously is not good.My R9 270x is under a year old and I suspect no issues with it.When I get a TDR (about once every hour or so), my game/browser black screens and I can't close it by tabbing.All I can do is CTRL+ALT+DLT and sign out forcing the program shut.I also think it might be a problem with my MS-7609 motherboard but I don't think it's too likely.This issue strikes during various things,it's not strictly bound to games.Here are my specs just in case they're needed
MS-7609 Motherboard
A8-7600 3.1 Ghtz CPU
XFX R9 270X GPU (i've had other XFX cards in this system with no issue and the 270x only started TDR when the PSU started making noises.)
Seagate 1TB HD
Corsair HX650 PSU
Note:I've already ordered a replacement PSU from newegg.
Any thoughts on this?Thanks!
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Category filter:
Acronym Definition
TDR Time Domain Reflectometer
TDR Training in Tropical Diseases
TDR Transfer of Development Rights
TDR Tokyo Disney Resort
TDR Time-Domain Reflectometry
TDR Tropical Disease Research
TDR UNDP-World Bank-WHO Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases
TDR Total Disc Replacement
TDR Technical Design Report
TDR Timeout Detection and Recovery
TDR The Designers Republic (graphic design organization)
TDR Time Delay Relay
TDR Transfer Development Rights
TDR Troubled Debt Restructuring
TDR Time Depth Recorder (marine biology)
TDR Test de Diagnostic Rapide (French: Rapid Diagnostic Test; medical testing procedure)
TDR Turbo Diesel Register
TDR Transportation Discrepancy Report
TDR Tvornica Duhana Rovinj (Croatian tobacco factory)
TDR Typographic Desk Reference (book; Oak Knoll Press)
TDR Ticket Deposit Receipt (railway travel)
TDR The Dragon Reborn (Wheel of Time; book 3)
TDR Transferrable Development Rights
TDR Time-Dependent Routing
TDR The Dartmouth Review (Dartmouth College)
TDR Tear Down & Redesign (electronics)
etc, etc

A bit of detail might be helpful.

Sorry,I fixed it.