Team Europe UK BF4 PC Clan | Battlefield EU Players


May 17, 2012
Team Europe is an established Battlefield PC Only UK Clan. Join our forums and introduce yourself, connect with players using Teamspeak on our game servers!

Visit our Homepage @

If you like what you see, then register on our forums and say hello to the guys! Then visit us on Teamspeak, I will link up with you and give you a proper brief and answer any questions you might have.

See you on the Battlefield! :)
Clan Update:
Coming this fall in 2012 look forward to BF3 Armored Kill, it will up the ante for vehicular mayhem as only
Battlefield can do. Featuring new drivable tanks, ATV’s, mobile artillery and more. Battlefield 3 Armored Kill
also delivers huge battlefields for an all-out vehicle assault, including the biggest map in Battlefield history.

New vehicles are featured in the expansion including an AC-130. It has 2 positions with 2 weapons each.
Taking over a specific base grants the controlling team access to an AC-130 gunship. The gunship travels
on a fixed circular path around the battlefield, other soldiers can use it as a mobile parachute spawn point.
If your team controls the AC-130, the smartest strategy is to have all the patrolling troops and the aircraft
defend it from oncoming attacks. The AC-130 is heavily armored, but it cannot be repaired by engineers.

DICE plans to reveal the three other Battlefield maps, new vehicle upgrades and details on the new Tank
Superiority mode as we move closer to the September launch.

Team Europe will be there, KILL 'EM ALL!
- Overview
Team Europe is an established Battlefield PC gaming community that has been going strong since 2009. Register on our forums then introduce yourself, join active players in TeamSpeak while you're in-game. The recruitment process is simple and effective, start by introducing yourself in our forums. To become eligible for full clan membership, the first step is to apply for a server VIP slot. Demonstrate that you're committed, then you can be invited within two weeks as member. Being active is very important, start by posting in the forums and this will accelerate your integration into the clan.

Team Europe UK BF4 PC Clan | Battlefield EU Players
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