Team Fortress 2 lag spikes (from 300fps to 10fps)


Mar 7, 2012
Recently I have been running in to some fps issues regarding TF2, mainly the fact that the game has lag spikes (severe fps drops) almost every 45 seconds.
Not much else to tell really other than this does not happen in MvM, only in competitive multiplayer.
I have tried veryifing the integrity of the game chache multiple times and some times it downloads a 20.7mb big file if I remember correct but that does not seem to fix the problem
Any ideas on how to fix this?

Also my specs are:
Core I7 3370 @3.40GHz
8GB Ram
GTX 660

Thanks in advance.

none of both cause my internet and ping is fine and pc does simply not overheat cause I would have known otherwise (much noise, constant low fps, other games would lag too)
if i were you , when playing TF2 or CS:GO , just limit the fps_max to something around 90 or 120 , or even 150 "fps_max 150" 300 fps is way to much , and u won't notice a big difference ,but it saves u a lot of PC performance over all.