Archived from groups: rec.games.video.arcade.collecting (More info?)
I am a newbie to Williams games and am having trouble with a Defender
Cocktail that I bought working last year. I powered it up last week and
it had a video problem. The monitor was getting signal, but it looked
like a horizontal-hold problem. I tried to re-seat the roms, but then I
broke a leg on ROM 10 on the ROM board. I have replaced EPROMS for
other games before, I have an eraser and programmer, but these chips are
ROMs. How do I go about replacing this chip, and does anyone have a
suggestion on the video problem? Is this a chassis problem or something
else? Also, are there any good web-sites out there someone can suggest
for Defender tech information?
Thanks a ton!
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----= East and West-Coast Server Farms - Total Privacy via Encryption =----
I am a newbie to Williams games and am having trouble with a Defender
Cocktail that I bought working last year. I powered it up last week and
it had a video problem. The monitor was getting signal, but it looked
like a horizontal-hold problem. I tried to re-seat the roms, but then I
broke a leg on ROM 10 on the ROM board. I have replaced EPROMS for
other games before, I have an eraser and programmer, but these chips are
ROMs. How do I go about replacing this chip, and does anyone have a
suggestion on the video problem? Is this a chassis problem or something
else? Also, are there any good web-sites out there someone can suggest
for Defender tech information?
Thanks a ton!
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http://www.newsfeeds.com The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World! 120,000+ Newsgroups
----= East and West-Coast Server Farms - Total Privacy via Encryption =----