Technical Issues Affecting 'Just Cause 3,' Devs Still Gathering Data Before Making Patch

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They need to stop collecting data and patch this DRM connecting BS. I'm connected to steam and everything else without issue, every 3 mins I'm offline or attempting to connect in game, its annoying.
With all the negative media attention directed towards unpolished AAA game releases, I'm amazed Avalanche had the gall to release what sounds to be a broken game. Another website reported 15-30 minute load times on XBone machines... how does a AAA product get released with such glaring issues on a stable, mature platform like the XBox?

Because the modern gamer will buy it anyway. Why should any studio worry about polish when their target market is so impatient and naive? Rock on, studios. The next step will be tricking the demographic to pay to do pre-release QA on it....oh, wait...

And I'm sitting here with flawless FPS, wondering what everyone is talking about. Noticed a bunch of AMD people had issues.. well.... you get what you pay for!
I gotta say, since 2010 I have waited a full year not playing any new releases (playing old games) and then started buying everything 1 year later.
I have had no stability problems, no surprises with DRM, paid under 50% of the original price and have all DLCs in GOTY versions...

Its kinda like adding an extra year for development. In fact I got skyrim legendary edition last weekend for 7,50 Euros.
Now Ill get finished mods and maybe even a cool graphics overhaul.

Id like to thank all my fellow gamers for doing the beta testing for me to have well polished games.
for most AAA, paid beta testing start at launch release. It is a common knowledge for EA sh!t and Ubisuck games.
for most AAA, paid beta testing start at launch release. It is a common knowledge for EA sh!t and Ubisuck games.

So true. Just wait 3 months and you'll get a patched and stable game at a lower price (easier said than done...I know).

I find it quite easy, regarding Fallout 4
So, this is kind of like Donald Trump.

At first, day one issues were sort of funny.
Then they got progressively more common.
Nothing was done.
Now we have nothing but ruined day-ones.

People need to stop ordering new games until there's a price reduction, and every comment on purchase should be: "I would have purchased it new, but I am not going to be a beta tester. Ensure you have a reputation of working day-one and I will again purchase new titles."

Imagine how that would look to a studio like Ubisoft, who lost every pre-order and then had hundreds of thousands of comments all saying this exact same thing.
the last game i bought day one was borderlands 2, and that was because with all the specials and discounts, i got it for half price before that i can't remember a single non used/sale purchase i made.

how is it people are willing to pay 60$ for most games? i dont get it...
Best for them to do a intermediate patch ? ( if able ? )I get a flash of Cliffs of Dover when i read things like this !! it's taken many years to slowly undo the negativity about CLOD Thanks to Team Fusion and the loyal community and I can see this going the same way if not jumped on by the devs. !
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