If a CPU is a Leatherman, a GPU is a very sharp knife. You can’t tighten a hex bolt with a knife, but you can definitely cut some stuff.
A GPU can only do a fraction of the many operations a CPU does, but it does so with incredible speed. A GPU will use hundreds of cores to make time-sensitive calculations for thousands of pixels at a time, making it possible to display complex 3D graphics. However, as fast as a GPU can go, it can only really perform “dumb” operations.
For example, a modern GPU like the Nvidia GTX 1080 has 2560 shader cores. Thanks to those cores, it can execute 2560 instructions, or operations, during one clock cycle. And when you need to make a screen’s worth of pixels one percent brighter, that’s perfect. By comparison, a four-core Intel i5 CPU can only execute four simultaneous instructions per clock cycle.
However, CPUs are more flexible than GPUs. CPUs have a larger instruction set, so they can perform a wider range of tasks. CPUs also run at higher maximum clock speeds and are capable of managing the input and output of all of a computer’s components. For example, CPUs can organize and integrate with virtual memory, which is essential for running a modern operating system. That’s just not something a GPU can accomplish.