teloporting and slugish feeling even at 55+ fps


Dec 14, 2014
i cannot figure out what is causing my fps in games to feel slow and sluggish and teloporting in games even after a fresh install and driver updates my pc spec are i7 4790k ( not over clocked) MSI Z97-GD65 Gaming mobo / 16 gb ddr3 1600 mhz ram g.skill ripjaws evga super nova 850 watt PSU / MSI GTX 970 non over clocked samsung evo 840 250gb SDD / WD green 2TB for storage 2nd drive every thing is at stock and my temps are 32 c on processer 40c while gaming my monitor is'nt the best only 60 hz and same with internet i haven't tested my pc on another screen or net i can run games at high fps on ultra 45-400 fps but i get constant teloporting on other players in some games and sluggish fps even with vsync in high pop areas when i run 3d mark i experience the same thing even at 50 fps and a 12k score the fps just seems sluggish and off no crazy temp jumps or vram useage going over the 3.5 mark idk what can cuase this and in leauge of ledgend si get massive teloporting when i move around with out vsync on with vsync its decent but will jerk some times and ill teloport ive notice din game slike h1z1 everything seems great untill i hit the city thne it slows down

i had a feeling my monitor is a big part of this but when i hit high populated areas or i turn the graphics to high i get this slugish feeling as if i was at 20 fps evne though im at a constant 50-60 i considered picking up a gsync monitor when the prices come down slightly but i didnt want to throw money down on something that might not fix the issue i should just test my pc with better net and a monitor