Temporary move SSD from PC to laptop?


Sep 13, 2017
I'm traveling over the summer, and I want to take my SSD (that has Windows 10 on it) out from my PC and put it into my laptop.

PC has the SSD (m.2) and a hard drive for archive files
The laptop has a m.2 slot (it works, I used to have the ssd in the laptop) and a hard drive

if i take out the ssd and put it into the laptop, then change the boot order to boot the ssd first, will i
1. Have windows 10 and apps/files exactly same as i would have them on the PC?
2. Be able to pluck the ssd out and put it back into the PC when i get back?

1. Probably not. Windows is very picky about the hardware. Just swapping a drive like that often fails to work.
2. Doesn't matter, because #1.

would it damage and screw up anything if i tested it ?

the hard drive in my laptop is slow as ****
i will use that laptop for 30 days
might as well use the fast option. plus ill have all my games on that ssd
You will have to re-install your operating system.

Are you sure that your laptop has an m2 socket?

Why not upgrade your laptop with a new SSD, that way you won't have to rebuild your home pc.

Do not try it, you may screw up your windows installation.

Physical damage, no.
But I have seen instances where this was tried, the laptop (new system) tries to boot from it, but screws up the install so that it cannot boot when you put it back in the original system.

Just get an inexpensive SSD for the laptop.
500GB Crucial MX500 - $110