temps value max

Apr 24, 2018
When you are reading the CPUs temperature which one is the indicator of its temperature the vale one or the maxwhich one one should you read the value or the max one

I mean when reading the CPU temp which one should determines the current CPU temp the value or the max and which one should I read when playing online games the value or the max
When I'm playing online games which one should I pay attention the value or the max onecause when I'm playing games I get the temps at 65c in value and 90 in max is that OK which one is more important the value or the max
It depends on the processor how high it should go but high temps for short time (few minutes) are more or less OK. Prolonged high temperatures may result in damage and/or deterioration.
Check processor specs for "normal" temperature range. Most modern processors have limits built in at which they would throttle down or even shut of when certain temps are reached.

Value is the current temp of the cpu, and max is the maximum temp that your cpu has reached.

You should read both of them, but mostly the current value, yes. It should give you an idea of the average temps when playing.
Question from elmar282803 : "CPU max temp"

max temp shows the absolute peak recorded, from stats point of view, this number is relatively meaningless without knowing its relationship to the sample size. that's why charts are more meaningful than just a single x.y points. could even be a outlier in some cases.

let's say if you record your heart rate during a 2 hr time period, and your max heart rate record is 150, i don't know if it's always at 140-150 or 110-120 and for a split second went up to 150, or if its 60-70 and you went for a number 2, and heart rate shoots up to 150. average don't work well either because there is a range of activities during this period.
Question from elmar282803 : "cpu high temp"

When I'm gaming the Max temp some time reaches 90 degrees is that OK and what is the limit in max temp before it auto restarts I have an Intel i57200u cpu

It´s a bit high, but if it´s just occasional it´s okay, the max temp is about 100 to 105 degrees when it restarts.