Question Ten foot+ Display port cable needed


Nov 27, 2009
Hello all. I recently renovated my home office space and I might have inadvertently painted myself into a tech corner . I currently have a dual monitor setup right next to my computer stand that i use for work. I purposely left space (Large L shaped desk) for a 50 inch ultra wide gaming monitor on the far side of the desk. The issue is that it's about 12 feet away from the only place I can have the computer. Longer display port cables by name brand companies aren't common at all. I worry about buying fake cables that will break stuff.

My questions are, are there any reputable cable brands or types to buy a longer DP or HDMI cable or signal booster... whatever I need to give myself a longer run without any issues? I've been looking into this and I can't find anything concrete.


Nov 27, 2009
I know that the longer cables exist. I hear that long DP cables can have issues if they aren't just right. On the same hand, I hear substandard cables ran ruin a monitor/computer. I was hoping to hear a first hand account of someone who had a large monitor on at least a 12 foot cable without any issues.