[SOLVED] Tenda n301


Oct 18, 2017
I recently bought a 100mbps unlmited internet but my wifi router is of only 50mbps limit on wifi. If i connect my pc to the tenda router through wlan. Will i get 100mbps or the router limit is only 50mbps. Just curious.
Not sure where you get the 50mbps number. If you hook up to the lan ports via ethernet you should get close to 100mbps. That router only has 10/100 ports so even if you had 200mbps internet you would still only run 100mbps. There is no limit of 50mbps that I know about the router should easily run 100mbps.

On wifi it is much harder to say how fast it will run. It is actually a combination of the router and the end device. This is a so called "300" router. In some magic world you could get 300mbps. You will not get anywhere near that. If you put the end device directly on top of the router you might if you get lucky get 100mbps. At more normal distances from the router it the 50mbps number you see would not be...
Not sure where you get the 50mbps number. If you hook up to the lan ports via ethernet you should get close to 100mbps. That router only has 10/100 ports so even if you had 200mbps internet you would still only run 100mbps. There is no limit of 50mbps that I know about the router should easily run 100mbps.

On wifi it is much harder to say how fast it will run. It is actually a combination of the router and the end device. This is a so called "300" router. In some magic world you could get 300mbps. You will not get anywhere near that. If you put the end device directly on top of the router you might if you get lucky get 100mbps. At more normal distances from the router it the 50mbps number you see would not be uncommon. It is very hard to say what number you can get since the house you live in makes a huge difference.

If you want the full 100mbps you purchased I would use ethernet cables. To get 100mbps on wifi you need a much better router.