Terrible FPS after installing ASUS GPU Tweak?


Jun 13, 2014
GPU was performing fine. Installed GPU tweak to monitor while I gamed, and suddenly I am getting terrible FPS in even simple games like LoL and Payday 2. I uninstalled GPU Tweak, did a clean reinstall of Video drivers, reset all settings in NVidia control panel. Still bad fps.

Intel i5-4670k
MSI Z97-G45
Samsung 850 EVO 250Gb SSD
When I used GPU tweak, it sometimes reverts one of the options back to stock if you put it too high, normally the GPU clock speed. Sometimes it also has problems updating what it is currently displaying.
i kinda have this problem too cuz i got a completely new computer and when i installed the GPU tweak 2 it would be the same kind of problem and i checked my total power and it was down on 6. so i thought it was something with my PSU and i replaced my old PSU to another PSU with better WATT but apparently my PC wouldn't start then so i had to change back to normal again, and after i did that it was all fine. i could play battlfield 1 on high settings with 60 fps and then i tried to install GPU tweak 2 again and the fps got fucked up one more time and now i do not know what to do :/
980Ti went from great frames to lower frames after installing ASUS suite. I uninstalled the Asus suite and didn't effect the low frames. After some looking around, I noticed that "intel watchdog timer driver" was installed around the same time. So I unistalled it . BINGO!!!! BACK to insane frame rates!! Don't know if this helps in ya'lls situation but sure did in mine.