Question Terrible issue with choke in CS 1.6

Feb 20, 2019
Hello, guys! I'm facing a terrible issue while playing CS. I haven't tried wether it exists in csgo aswell, but whenever I face an enemy and I start shooting, my choke and ms are jumping up and it seems like I cant hit it, to be more specific I am hitting the enemy but kinda the server does not register the hit, my recoil is kinda broken when that starts. The choke spikes are 1-10, tried different servers, rates are 100k, 101, 101, download and upload 95 megabits, my internet is absolutely perfect, no packet loss, nothing. Stopped firewall, windows updates, everything but still the same result. I have 5ms ping in all servers in my country, and 10-30ms in the rest of the european servers. What is noticed recently, is that if I play with fps_override 1, because I am having 144hz monitor, the choke jumps more often if that matters, but I am stuck with 100fps, no override and 120hz. So, please help me fix this annoying problem of mine, thanks in advance!