News Tesla Starts Hiring for 'First of Its Kind' Datacenters

Good luck with that. I've owned a Tesla for 2 years now and I'm honestly not sure if I would buy one again. There are a fair amount of other good options now. Once all the other car companies can use Tesla's charging infrastructure (which is easily the best), it's a pretty even playing field, until Tesla can manage to get level 3+ USDOT approved autonomy.

I love owning an electric vehicle FAR more than I love owning a Tesla.

The fit/finish/features for the Model 3/Y are not what I'd expect for the cost. I think this is part of why they make such a larger profit margin than other car companies. They've enjoyed little real competition for many years, so they've been able to get away with charging more, while having a bit less quality control than cars from other companies in the same price range.
"Tesla, Inc., the clean-energy company "

They don't make energy. Thay make last-gen cars and "hardware as a service" subscriptions, which should be banned

Also, the CyberTruck is a dogecoin level scam. Fight me.
First of its kind data center? So probably something that countless other companies have but don't create a brand for. Tesla is getting its free advertising as usual so I suppose the effort is working.

One would be insane to buy anything from this company now that there's decent options out there with better business practices.
Better business practices? Voluntarily patronizing the stealership regional monopoly system is a hard no from me. I'm not intending to defend Tesla here -- they just happen to be the enemy of my enemy in this situation.