test paper database

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May 1, 2018
hello guys !! i need your help to create a test paper info table:
courseid , test paperid , date of exam , questionid , fullmark, knowledge point. thanks for your help!!

That's a pretty basic table. Should take you about 3 mins.

What database application are you using?
What have you done that does not work?

We're not going to do your homework for you.

courseid int(30)
test paperid int(30) primary key
date of exam date
questionid int(30)
full mark ? ( i don't know how to classify this )
knowledge point ? ( i don't know how to classify this also) that's why I ask for help

In the context of your classwork, we don't know what you want those two datatypes to be either.
Full Mark = numeric(?)
knowledge point = completely unknown.

thanks a lot
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