Testing a newly purchased HDD and would like another opinion


Oct 3, 2013
Western Digital Red 3TB
Firmware: 80.00A80

Rosewill RX-358 U3C

Windows 7 Home Premium

HDDScan for testing over usb 2.0

I purchased a new HDD for media storage purposes and was running it through its paces. I ran a "verify" surface scan(read would have taken longer over usb 2.0) and it was clean with only a few sector in the 150ms range. I started to run an "erase" scan and a solid string of bad sectors popped up after a section of "normal" sectors on the beginning of the disk.

I wanted to verify if this was an error due to the program, interface, etc., or if the drive was actually faulty. Its going straight back to amazon for replacement if its faulty.

I can post the verify test results if anyone needs to see them.

Thanks for any help.


Erase scan after running for a while. Continues as completely full of bad sectors aside from the initial segment. My thoughts so far are that its supposed to look that was during the test and the initial segment is left alone because it contains partition/GPT data.

Hello Dorian,

I have not run that diagnostic tool. I will run it after the erase scan completes. I also updated my original post with a screenshot of how the scan looks in progress currently(top segment as the rest is "bad sectors" blue).
I have run the scan with the WD diagnostic tool and it was looking fine for the most part however, I experienced a power failure and did not get to view the final results.

I am currently running a "read" scan with HDDScan just to make sure but I am fairly convinced the drive is in good working order.

I will post the results of the drive scan once it finished in a day or so.