Dryparn :
This in combination with a eytracker like Tobii EyeX could be where this technology shines. If you could only render in high quality where you actually look you could save a lot of power or get higher frame rates.
Only if it works so fast you can't tell. You don't want a delay where blurry parts come into focus a moment after you shift your eyes around. That would be REALLY disconcerting. But the theory is interesting, and if they could pull it off it would essentially be free performance. I have my doubts, however.
Dryparn :
meh it happen on both sides actually. the only difference is AMD usually whining more when they were hit with bad performance.
Example? At least Cool gave an example, though I disagree with him. The development of Mantle spurred MS into action and Khronos too (they absorbed and expanded Mantle into Vulkan so now it is open). The vast majority of these shenanigans are on Nvidia's side. Why? AMD's rendering techniques are open. Nvidia gets full access and can optimize for it to their hearts content. Nvidia's stuff is closed and proprietary. It either works on Nvidia only (such as this Multi-Res Shading and PhysX which runs in software mode on non-Nvidia) or it runs poorly on AMD hardware (GameWorks to varying degrees depending on what they implement). When Nvidia experiences poor performance, it's usually something about the developer's engine. Not some AMD proprietary middleware.