Tethering/USB Internet sharing not working on windows with iPhone! Help!


Jun 15, 2016
Hello tomshardware users!

I ran into a little problem when trying to USB internet share from my iPhone to my windows 10 PC. It just doesn't give me connection at all.

I have tried to internet share from two iPhones (iPhone 4 and iPhone 6) but with no results.

I am using windows 10 64bit

Internet sharing with USB

Have a 4G mobile internet that supports tethering (my mobile subscription has unlimited amounts of gigabytes so that isn't the problem)

The strange thing is that internet sharing works perfectly with my other computer (MacBook Pro)

I don't have iTunes installed on my PC but i think that isn't the problem in this case.

I just found out that when i am internet sharing with my MacBook the blue bar on the top of the iPhone screen comes up indicating that its sharing internet to # amount of devices but when i am internet sharing with my PC it doesn't come up.

Picture example: http://imgur.com/a/kvVPL (with blue baring showing)
Note that thats just a random image i took from google so mine is a little bit different but you get the idea.

I am also a huge windows 10 tweaker and i might accidentally disabled a windows 10 service thats required to internet share. I don't really know what that service might be named.

I am not able to get on the internet atm since i don't have a connection so downloading something isn't a option.

Thanks alot sorry for the sloppy post!

I think the installer just does not work correctly so you manually installl the drivers or install iTunes to get the drivers installed.


Hi! I have the same problem... How did you exactly fixed it?


oh, iphone as the usb internet provider.
look at the answer here and see if if helps:

they suggest to manually reinstall the drivers


Hi! I have the same problem... How did you exactly fixed it?

I think the installer just does not work correctly so you manually installl the drivers or install iTunes to get the drivers installed.


Hi! I have the same problem... How did you exactly fixed it?

