TF2 "lagging" on a overkill (for the game) PC? + how to lower cpu usage?


Aug 18, 2013
So... I have a A8 6500 3.8 Ghz (put the slider that shows what speed it will run at to the max and it even did it's turbo so instead of 3.5 it's 3.8 which doesn't matter) 8 GB of 1600 Mhz RAM, and a gtx 750 ti sc (+a overclock to 5900 Mhz ram)
Also a 1366x768 res monitor
Sorry if I missed some things i should of said as I just woke up.
I get about 100 fps while nothing is going on and when things like sentries are shooting rockets are flying by my fps goes to 30-40... this wouldn't be to bad if my aim wasn't all thrown off because of this.
Opening the task manager+ gpu-z shows that 1/4 cores is about 90% and my others are around 50% while my GPU is running at 50% or so.
I was wondering if there was anyway to get the game to use my CPU cores more as I feel that's the bottleneck shooting my fps so far down.
I don't want commands that make the game look like Chris' config but commands that just remove things on the CPU.
Or better yet a way to fix this because I should be able to max out the game easy.

Oh I also have no junk programs running in the background.

Why? Whats the point of looking for something I have already done? I might as well tell you to look for a gaming PC that you can buy for no reason.