So I have this really old desktop pc a Dell dimension e521 that originally ran Windows xp for many years from 2007 when my parents bought it to 2014 when Windows xp support ended.
I eventually started having issues with the pc being extremely noisy like that of a jet plane taking off or a busy server and it had a tendency to get hot after a while.
In 2019 12 years after the pc was bought I decided to open it up for the first time in 12 years since it came out of the factory and holy jesus was it dusty with huge dust bunnies all over the place and dust in every nook and cranny possible on the pc.
I realised I had to take the pc outside when cleaning it and once I had put it outside I sprayed it with some compressed air causing craploads of dustbunnies to fly all over the place as if it was a blizzard but with dust instead.
After getting all the dust out and plugging all the cables back I noticed it was almost completely dead silent except for a low frequency hum and that it had actually become noticeably more faster.
Fun fact this was actually the first time I actually opened up any type of personal computer but luckily I knew what each part did and where I had to put it back in.
That pc has since been used as an ubuntu media server with plex and it actually did this great even though it only has 1 or 2 gigs of ram.
I eventually started having issues with the pc being extremely noisy like that of a jet plane taking off or a busy server and it had a tendency to get hot after a while.
In 2019 12 years after the pc was bought I decided to open it up for the first time in 12 years since it came out of the factory and holy jesus was it dusty with huge dust bunnies all over the place and dust in every nook and cranny possible on the pc.
I realised I had to take the pc outside when cleaning it and once I had put it outside I sprayed it with some compressed air causing craploads of dustbunnies to fly all over the place as if it was a blizzard but with dust instead.
After getting all the dust out and plugging all the cables back I noticed it was almost completely dead silent except for a low frequency hum and that it had actually become noticeably more faster.
Fun fact this was actually the first time I actually opened up any type of personal computer but luckily I knew what each part did and where I had to put it back in.
That pc has since been used as an ubuntu media server with plex and it actually did this great even though it only has 1 or 2 gigs of ram.