The 1440p dilemma


Mar 18, 2014
Sorry this is quite the read....

Yesterday was my birthday and so i raked in $420(that i'm willing to allocate right now) total in cash.
I want to game in 1440p - 120hz and have set my sights on this monitor

The only problem is that my current specs aren't able to utalize all 120hz of this amazing monitor.

I really messed up this build, it would be ideal that i could SLI my gtx 770 but i can't! MY motherboard is the M4A97 LE R2.0 which has only one 16x speed PCI-E slot and another 4x slot, if you know anyhting about SLI, you would know that you need a second 8x speed slot. I thought that because it boasted about crossfire on the box that it would also do SLI. I was wrong 🙁 Also my PSU is only 600w, people also told me that it would be good for future upgrades 🙁, they were wrong, i need at least 750w to get 2 770's in my system.

On top of this, i'm quite unhappy wihth the performance of my amd fx-6300, compared to benchmarks, my 770 always underperforms due to it, plus if I am going to SLI, 6300 will definetly hold me back --- so what i'm saying is, if i change my MOBO to something that can handle SLI, I will most likely switch to the LGA 1155 socket and buy a GOOD CPU, like the i5-4670k for $210.

So as you can see, my relatively new system needs an almost complete overhaul just to upgrade to a second 770 and play on a 1440p monitor.

So what should i start with first? Get the monitor or the new cpu,mobo,and psu. Then save up for 1440p and a second 770? I should make good money by the end of summer but i
m pretty much wasting the money i spent on the 6300 mobo and psu...I built this computer around feburary/march...wish i knew better from the start.

-have to upgrade mobo psu and cpu just to get a seocnd 770 - then be able to play on a 1440p monitor.
-Almost brand new pc being thrown down the drain?
-what should i start with upgrading first?
The Korean 1440p monitors are quite a controversial choice. They are, you must remember, the reject panels from the big name companies, which have been repackaged. People do love them, and I feel like if you get a good one, the price tag is fantastic.

Have a look at some other threads around the web on the same subject. I was looking around for a 1440p monitor a while ago for my engineering work and noticed lots of chatter on these Korean panels.

The general consensus was that you should get one if you are on a very tight budget, and simply must have 1440p gaming, else you will die.

Why is that? And this is actually an ips 60hz monitor overclockable to 120hz..dont know why i said 144...
so you did botch up a few things but it's ok. your analysis is correct on the mobo / power supply.

firstly... what monitor do you have now? something decent, or something horrible? lol

secondly, the mobo situation sucks.... if I were you, if you had a decent 1080p monitor, i'd just leave the system as is and enjoy that your 770 can max out 1080p. you'd lose too much money swapping things around. if you stand pat,
I would get a liquid loop kit like the cooler master 120m or 120xl, and then overclock that CPU to 4.5ghz or so. now you have a blazing CPU, and a gpu that can max 1080p.

option 2, you have some crappy monitor now... i'd get on ebay and order the Qnix QX2710 for $290. This is the same panel that the x-star uses, they're basically the same exact monitor. it's based on the samsung PLS tech, which is different than IPS. I have two of these Qnix's, i love em. one i've had for a year, the other i just bought recently.
they overclock to 120hz as well. again id get the liquid loop and OC the CPU.
and just enjoy gaming at medium/high on 1440p.

you dont need anti aliasing at that res, everything looks good just the way it is

no but the monitor i'm buying isn't a hit and missed, the hardware in i tis garunteed 120hz..

check that out.

But this wasn't my question. I dont need help picking out a monitor...that is my least concern.

Thank you, for the advice but i;m just kind of convinced that this is the superior monitor. 120hz..1440p..IPS color reproduction
Ok, let me expand on my point, sorry.

IPS screens have quite a high input lag and grey to grey response time and they are rated 60Hz. The average IPS input lag is 20-30ms and when overclocked to 120Hz this becomes up to 4 frames lag. Compare this to TN panels which have an average input lag of 6ms, which allows the panels to be rated at 120Hz with a lag of less than 1 frame.

Any IPS panel overclocked to 120Hz, whethere 1440p or not, will be near pointless. I feel that overlord have been profiteering off of gamers who just see 1440p and 120Hz in the same title and cant hand their cash over fast enough.

WOW thank you, best advice ever! And im glad you understand my sticky situation.
So currently i'm using a dynex HDTV, not even a monitor. But is is 60fps and is 1080p.

Now theres a problem with my cpu..kinda bothched that part up too. I put way too much thermal paste on it for my hyper 212 evo, i'd take it out and clean it but it was so difficult to put in that i must have screwed up the holes etc(simply put, i cant even unscrew the damn thing, could hae sworn i read the directions properly.) So i;m a little scared to OC my cpu.

BTW my CPU throttles at around 4.1Ghz, probably due to the bad thermal paste job.

I seriously can't find that "Qnix QX2710 for $290" that you spooke so gloriously of! That price is almost too good to be true, can you provide a link?
The grey to grey response of IPS panels comes into play as well. At 120Hz there is a new frame every 8.3ms, so if the panel has a G2G of say 12ms or even 8ms, there is just no way you will be seeing a true 120Hz.

Trust me, there is a reason that big names like ASUS and benQ have not developed gaming IPS panels just yet. They just aren't fast enough.

...and I feel I am going to get ignored, or just swamped in this thread.

The manufacturer's declared response time is "less than or equal to 6ms."

But since lowriderflow suggested a $290 6ms response tiem 120hz OC 1440p monitor i think i definitely want that.

What about this one?
Will i be getting a close to true 120hz with this? It's supposed to be 6ms response time (GtoG)
The Korean 1440p monitors are quite a controversial choice. They are, you must remember, the reject panels from the big name companies, which have been repackaged. People do love them, and I feel like if you get a good one, the price tag is fantastic.

Have a look at some other threads around the web on the same subject. I was looking around for a 1440p monitor a while ago for my engineering work and noticed lots of chatter on these Korean panels.

The general consensus was that you should get one if you are on a very tight budget, and simply must have 1440p gaming, else you will die.

Alright thanks