Dave K :
Glad to see Witcher 3 pick up the well deserved goty award... they raised the bar and Bethesda will need to do something they've not done for a while - scramble to catch up.
While similar, TES and TW are still very different games. While TW3 is a open world you are still on a very set path and story while in TES you choose your characters beginning, middle and eventual end based on the factions and sides you pick etc.
As well TES has always been about the mods more than anything.
Not saying TW3 is a bad game, it is a great RPG. But to say Bethesda will have to do anything more than what they always do is a stretch since Skyrim is still highly played and highly modded even after so many years.
I am glad they honored Westwood. Was a great company bought up by the evil empire and whose IP was completely destroyed. Sorry but C&C 4 was just bad. I own it because I got it in a bundle sale on Steam and played only for the story but the game play was not C&C. It was EAs horrible abomination.
In general I agree that they're different, but not as much as they used to be and I put them both squarely in the same sandbox (Adventure games with some action elements) allowing for fair comparison. They're also both 'open world' quest based games (that's new... this is imo the first open world Witcher) with significant/varied character development tracks. The biggest differences are setting (obviously) and the new settlement management capabilities in F4 (which are a fun addition but I don't see integrated into the plot in any way as of my current level... 24).
As far as game progression... Fallout 4 has been as linear as Witcher 3 so far... the quest line leads you by the nose and at least as far into it as I am (about 40-50 hours) faction choices have had no impact on the flow of the main quest line. The main quest (find my kid) has had some good foreshadowing that all is not well with said kid and that things might get interesting... but the quests themselves have been inferior in quality and diversity to the Witcher 3 storyline, I'm feeling like I'm repeating the same activity (go clear some area of bad guys) over and over. The tactical variation has been great (some fun maps) but the quests themselves... meh. The detective story is cool, but all he did was drag me out to clear some area of bad guys. I started the BoS subquestline and that has also been more of the same so far (but in power armor). When interesting things have happened it's been accidental... like stumbling into a BoS action (totally independent of my activities) and jumping in to lend a hand (not that the quest system was smart enough to recognize it). The world also seems a lot less alive than the Witcher 3 world... I've only had to defend settlements 3 times, the Brotherhood of Steel is the only faction that's visible moving on the map (like everyone else is hunkered down). Maybe I just need to move the Main quest forward and things will loosen up (I got bored with it after finishing reunions), and I assume the main quest will eventually split based on faction like earlier Fallout's... but multiple highly linear quest lines is not really the same thing as non-linear. I've wandered the world quite a bit for instance... and the only 'discovered' quests I've gotten have been to clear raiders threatening settlements. Some of Witcher 3's best questlines were one's I stumbled on as I wandered. Maybe I'm just missing them in F4... but The Witcher had hundreds of non-main quest related activities you could engage in (some of them complex multi-stage quests)... I'm not finding a lot in Fallout 4 yet (other than Settlement building related).
I still would argue that Bethesda has been beat soundly at a game style they pioneered... The Witcher 3 is a better Skyrim than Skyrim as delivered (and a better adventure game than Fallout 4 as delivered). Bethesda still has much better moding support... and that's not nothing, but when the next Witcher 3 add-on comes out I'll be dropping F4 to play it (assuming I'm still playing F4 at the time).
I agree that Modding will give Fallout 4 more replayability... but I still think Bethesda has been clearly outplayed on their own turf and hopefully this will push them to up their game.