The advertisement on Hotmail are making it impossible to work - how can you swit


May 18, 2011
Could some kind person advise how to get rid of the adverts that continue to appear on Hotmail and make it impossible to work.
Alternatively you can use Opera.

When in the web page right-click, choose "Block Content" and then click on the ads. This will block the ads in the page.

Just don't use IE or Safari.. lol
I have just downloaded Adblock. Not sure if it's going to work. But hope so. Thanks. My partner has a different problem which I shall start afresh as a new query. It's to do with downloading a new version of Adobe FlashReader and having done so it ruins everything because you can't read U-tube without adverts appearing over it in the wrong places.
Thanks. Good idea to change the mail server. Thanks again. It had crossed my mind. I think trying an alternative may help greatly.