Oh boy. I have a dell Inpirion 580 Slim. This thing is a beast. A gpu better than a Titan, the best psu ever! Just Kidding! I really have some serious questions. I am starting to get into gaming, and I need to upgrade this hunk of junk. I don't know if I can put a higher psu in it. I want to put in a 750 ti (Link: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814127836&ignorebbr=1&cm_re=gtx_750-_-14-127-836-_-Product) but I'm afraid my 250 watt psu can't run it. I need to know if I can upgrade a psu in a Inspiron 580S, and I also want to know if a 400 watt psu (Link: http://www.evga.com/Products/Product.aspx?pn=100-N1-0400-L1 can fit inside the slim. I have a good OS, an i5, but I don't want to spend much money on a new pc when I can simply upgrade the one I have.
~Kyle (BeYourself)
P.S. Sorry if this is in the wrong thread.
~Kyle (BeYourself)
P.S. Sorry if this is in the wrong thread.