The Best 1866mhz 1.5v ram?


Oct 25, 2014
I have a MSI Gaming 5 and a i7-4970k cpu. They both have a 1.5v recomended voltage. I was looking at getting 8gb of 1866 ram that runs at 1.5v. I think that would work just fine for my needs but I cannot decide what ram to get. I think a cas9 would be good. Any recomendations that are a good price?

PcPartPicker Link

Thanks For Any Help

These do look good but they are pretty expensive, a bit too much for me. And I couldn't find any at 8gb. Any other good timing ram maybe cl8 at 1866 you know of? I might just go for the snipers. Also if I got a kit like the trident x series would it be worth it to try to overclokc my cpu and change bios to get it to run at tested speeds or around 1866. They are about the same price as other ram and have cl8 at 1866, but runs 1.6v. I have hard time making decisions :)


The model # provided is a 1600/7 set, the Snipers are a good fit with your rig

I find that OC RAM at that level can be hit n miss. It isn't like the CPU lottery but it can be close. Honestly if you do OC the RAM to something higher than 1866 or 2000, if you can get it stable above standard you aren't going to see much difference in performance. Sure you will see better numbers, but most of the time it the difference isn't perceptible in normal usage.

In the end if you just want good RAM without a lot of OC. Either will be just fine and pick the cheaper/more available one. I think both have lifetime warranties. At least the Corsair does i know, tho OC beyond the XMP value can void it.
I could get trident 2400 for a few bucks more then the average 1866 or even 1600. Should I go for that? Is it worth it, I mean I could always run it at low voltage and lower speeds if I don't feel like Overclocking my cpu.